It’s also more common in the world of Star Wars to see lady redheads rather than dudes - Mon Mothma and Aurra Sing, for example. Of those famous examples, Aloy is the only one whose red hair appears to be natural plus, she’s got freckles. That includes the default female version of Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect trilogy, as well as Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark, or - more recently - Aloy in the Horizon games. In video games, it’s very common for female protagonists to have red hair, often an unrealistically vibrant shade of crimson. I am speaking, of course, about his hair. And he’s got something that few other (maybe zero?) Star Wars leading men have ever had. He’s soft-spoken but playful - not as quippy as Nathan Drake, perhaps, but bless him for it, because that shit can get irritating. Many fans have decried Cal Kestis as a “ boring” character, but I don’t agree. Image: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts via Polygon